Prevailing Wage & Apprenticeship Payroll Compliance Software

Pivla for Professional Services

  • Gain a Competitive Advantage - Offer PW&A reporting and compliance services to your clients.
  • Additional Revenue - Augment your core offerings and keep your clients in your corner.
  • Boost Profits - Increase efficiency of compliance reporting processes to maximize bottom line profits

Pivla for Contractors

  • Streamline In-House Compliance - Manage PW&A compliance internally, to avoid high cost of outsourcing. Ideal for GCs and subcontractors who prefer in-house compliance solutions.
  • Federal Project Bidding Eligibility - Meet all federal bid-compliance requirements confidently. Stay compliant across projects and enjoy a flexible cancellation policy.
  • Access State-Level Project Incentives - Comply with state-specific PW&A regulations to unlock more incentives and state-level funding opportunities.

Save Time. Save Money. Stay Compliant. 

  • Technology Automation: No more non-compliant Excel spreadsheets!
  • Maximize IRA Credits & Incentives: No missing out on savings
  • Flexible Bid-Readiness: No long-term commitments


Get Started With Pivla!